Tools for Commercial Mortgage Bankers


1. How big do we need to be to run DealsHelp as a Company?
You can be any size. DealsHelp can work for a company with few employees located in a single office or for companies with hundreds of employees in multi-offices across the country.

2. How do you handle our current and past deal information?
We load all your deals in process plus 2-3 years of deal history via an Excel file we provide to you.

3. How long does it take to get DealsHelp up and running for a company?
2 - 4 weeks from the date we receive the Excel templates fully populated with your data: Lenders, Contacts, Deals (in process plus 2-3 years of history) Employees and Keywords.

If you choose to customize DealsHelp and/or create interfaces to internal systems, the time to implement DealsHelp will be impacted directly by the complexity of the customizations and/or interfaces, however, it would be a matter of weeks not months to have DealsHelp up and running. We have extensive experience in both areas.

4. We are geographically dispersed. Can we access DealsHelp from individual offices, but also summarize information in our headquarters?
Yes. DealsHelp can be tailored to show your deal history and pipeline reports by individual offices, regions and consolidated at the company level. These reports can be restricted for viewing so that only appropriate people can see any particular report.

5. Do you provide training to our staff?
Yes. All our training is delivered via on-line. However, we strongly suggest having on-site training in each location/office. The first option is delivered at no additional cost. On-site training will incur out-of-pocket expenses.

6. Do we need any special software or computer for our staff to use DealsHelp?
No. The browser included with most computers, tablets or smart phones and access to Internet, That's it!

7. If we have specific procedures and needs that DealsHelp does not cover, can you customize DealsHelp to our company?
Yes. Some aspects of DealsHelp are always customized to your company. For example, pipeline reports and historical reports are specific to your needs.

But if you have specific procedures or needs, we can add fields to existing screens, create new reports, add new functionality, etc.

8. Do we need to buy server(s)/software licenses to use DealsHelp?
No. We host the application on one of our servers and provide everything to you!

You do not need to spend any money in licenses, install any software, maintain or support. We do all that for you. We will provide you with your specific "link" that only your company members will have access.

9. How about new versions?
We are constantly improving DealsHelp. All new releases are included in the monthly fee.

10. Do you provide support to our staff?
Yes, we are available by phone and email Monday thru Friday, 8am - 5pm central time. However, if you have an emergency, you can always contacts us and we will make ourselves available even during weekends.

is a Service Mark of EJJ Information Technologies, Inc.
13302 Lakewood Meadow Dr. - Cypress, Texas 77429
(832) 447-9662 or (832) 721-7779
Fax: (281) 404-7089

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